A woman’s health is dictated by her reproductive system in some very significant ways, not the least of which is their vaginal health. Whether childbirth, illness, or menopause has robbed you of an enjoyable sex life due to poor vaginal health, we now have the tool that can help you enjoy a better quality of life.
Here at Radiance Wellness MediSpa with multiple locations including Southlake, Arlington, and Granbury, TX, under the expert guidance of Dr. Carrie L. Morris, we want our clients to have access to the latest treatments and technologies to help them look and feel great, inside and out. While poor vaginal health has long been swept under the rug — often considered just a part of life — a lot can be done to help. It’s for this reason that we offer FemTouch™, an innovative laser system that can improve vaginal health.
If you’d like to improve your vaginal health this year with the groundbreaking FemTouch system, here’s what you need to know.
Understanding the problem
One of the most common reasons women experience declining health in their vaginal tissue is due to hormones. Your ovaries are primarily responsible for releasing eggs, which is governed by the female hormones estrogen and progesterone. These hormones regulate your reproductive life in almost every way, ensuring that all systems are online and ready to conceive, carry, and deliver a child into the world.
Whether or not you have children, your hormones are still in charge, and if their levels start to drop, for whatever reason, you’re left with a deficit that can affect the tissue in your vagina. This is because your estrogen and progesterone are tasked with making sure your vaginal tissue is well lubricated to encourage conception and thick and healthy enough to endure childbirth.
Without the hormonal signals that lead to collagen production — the protein responsible for the elasticity and tone in your tissue — you may be left with vaginal dryness and thinning tissue.
Outside of hormones, childbirth can also inflict havoc on your vaginal tissue, often stretching it beyond its limits to bounce back.
A new solution
FemTouch is an innovative solution for several reasons. First, the laser system, which is gentle on your vaginal walls, helps increase collagen production. This energy creates a mild healing response in your tissue, which responds with renewed resources for better health.
Another reason why FemTouch is such a great solution is because the treatments are noninvasive, which means you won’t experience any downtime. Each treatment takes only minutes, and most women tolerate the laser system very well.
Lastly, FemTouch tackles vaginal problems without the need for resorting to hormone replacement therapies, which can have a more systemic effect on your body. With FemTouch, we address your vaginal health without interfering in other areas of your health.
The road to better vaginal health
As we mentioned above, FemTouch laser therapy is an extremely easy procedure. Most of our patients benefit from 2-4 short treatments, which we space out by several weeks to give your body time to respond between visits.
You should experience gradual results as you make your way through your treatments, with optimal results about 6-12 weeks after your last session.
After your initial treatments, you can come back on an annual basis to maintain your great results.
If you’re tired of painful and unenjoyable sex due to poor vaginal health, give us a call to find out if FemTouch is right for you. Or you can use the online scheduling tool on this website to set up an appointment