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Eyelid Skin Cancer Reconstruction


Eyelid skin cancer is very common and Dr. Morris receives a lot of patients pertaining the treatment of it. She specializes in the removal of eyelid cancer and the reconstruction of it as well. Her extensive training in using advanced techniques in eyelid reconstruction and healing has given her the ability to help patients recover with excellent results. Dr. Morris has performed countess eyelid reconstruction surgeries, many of which were oriented around cancer.

Commonly Treated Conditions

The most common of eyelid conditions related to skin cancer is basal cell carcinoma. Other types include: squamous cell carcinoma, sebaceous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. The cancer is typically a result of prolonged exposure to the sun and could originate around moles. New bumps or growing moles and freckles should be watched closely and be evaluated by a medical professional such as a dermatologist.

Mohs Surgery for Treatment

Dr. Morris works with dermatologists who specialize in eyelid cancer. The surgery is microscopically controlled and used to treat the most common forms of cancer on the skin. The success rate is a high 95%-97% in certain cases for basal cell carcinoma. It is one of the top methods used to create a margin of control during the skin removal process using a frozen section histology. After a doctor completes the surgery, the patient will be treated by Dr. Morris with eyelid reconstruction surgery. There are several types of eyelid reconstruction, which is used depends on the following aspects:

  1. The age of the patient being treated and laxity of their eyelid.
  2. How much tissue is missing, or needs to be removed.
  3. Where on the eyelid the cancer is and how close it is to the tear duct.

Depending on the previous aspects, the reconstructive surgery will be done using a full range of techniques. Dr. Morris will always use the least amount of techniques necessary to complete the treatment and surgery. The point is to cause as little trauma as possible to patient and their eyelids. Dr. Morris has experience in working with all case types and is excellent at causing as little trauma to the patients eyelids as possible. She will used advanced techniques to fill in defective tissue, flaps of muscle, and tighten the eyelid. Skin grafts could possibly be needed in some cases as well.

Eyelid Reconstructive Surgery

The actual surgery can be performed in the outpatient surgery center in most cases with a local and IV anesthetic for pain relief. Of course this depends on the type of cancer and how much tissue is lost, for larger areas of defective tissue that includes the tear ducts it may require a general anesthesia. Dr. Morris will work with you to help determine the best course of action for your eyelid reconstruction.

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